Thursday, 24 December 2009

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Let It Snow...

Well, we've had some snow in London.  Not enough to look pretty, but just enough to mess up the transport system... I found a few of my photos from the last time it snowed in England.  I still have my fingers crossed for a white Christmas!


Handmade Christmas Cards

This year, I somehow made time to make my own Christmas cards. I highly recommend this design if you fancy making your own (thanks Martha)!

All you need are some blank cards and lots of ribbon; I used single sided florists' ribbon as it is much cheaper.  First, cut a small slit halfway up the spine of card.  Then, thread the ribbon through the slit and tie a bow on the front. Here are some photos of the finished results:

Last year, I made my own design which proved to be a little more time consuming than this year's version.  I took a piece of felt, sewed random zig zags all over it in contrasting coloured cotton thread, then cut out a triangle shape and stuck it to a blank card with clear drying craft glue.

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